The Cross Cultural Conversation John Conversations / Acts 10:1–43 The church has a mandate to care about, pray about, talk about and go to people who are not like us. That is our mandate in the Scriptures and throughout church history, that has been one marker in the church that has kept it d …

The Good News Conversation John Conversations / Acts 8:26–40 Romans 10:14–15 ESV How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unle …

The Encouraging Conversation John Conversations / John 4:23–26 Introduction And having healthy and God centered relationships are part of the unity that Jesus talked about in the way that the church operates. Proverbs 16:24 ESV Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and he …

The Hard Conversation Conversations / Matthew 19:16–22 Opening statement and illustration We are likely one or two challenging conversations away from incredible growth. This is important to talk about because it is so easy to get wrong. We are avoidant, we are aggressive. We get into …

The Forgiving Conversation Conversations / Matthew 18:21–33 Intro The best thing we can do is to understand the weight that has been lifted from us in forgiveness and run to do offer it to others. Forgiveness is the statement that proclaims to everyone, “You are not just the way you are. Ther …

Talking With God Conversations / 1 Samuel 3 Why Conversations? Proverbs 18:21 ESV Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits. So we want to view Conversation as a way for formation. Formation of self to Christ and formation of better community. Co …

Christ will come into the World again Proclamation / 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18 Intro We are in our last week before Christmas. This week is an important time for the church. We have looked at the proclamation that Christ will come into the world, that He has come into the world. And that He wil …

Christ has come into the World Proclamation / Luke 2:8–14 Peace, according to the scripture, is a completeness or a wholeness. To have peace is to be whole. Everything is where it should be. Do not have peace is to be fractured. Where things are not where they should be. Humanity looked aroun …

Waiting: Christ Will Come into the World Proclamation / Isaiah 9:2–7 We are entering into the Advent season. Advent celebrates Christ’s entrance into the world. It is the reminder that God had to come close. That God entered into our darkness. That He entered into our mess. Advent is the cont …

Matthew 7:28-29 The Right Side up Life / Matthew 7:28–29 Jesus did not speak, he proclaimed. He didn’t just give us options, He channeled a whole new way of life. if you’re here and you are following Christ, if you’ve trusted in him as your authoritative source, maybe you’ve heard the sermon …

MAtt 7:24-27 The Right Side up Life / Matthew 7:24–27 Storms are a constant in life “And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house.” Jesus begins where we live. Storms are a part of life. Rain comes, floods come. Winds come. And each of these can be de …

Matt 7:15-23 John The Right Side up Life / Matthew 7:15–23 In this culture, in our lives, don’t you crave reliability? That what something says something is, it actually is. im our culture we do one of two things. We over analyze to the point of being skeptical Or we give up. So we either e …

MAtt 7:12-14 The Right Side up Life / Matthew 7:12–14 Matthew 7:12 ESV “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. Jesus moral claims are the right map. They help us to see, they help us to understand. But His moral claims a …

Matt 7:7-11 The Right Side up Life / Matthew 7:7–11 Intro Ask seek and knock is an interesting command or imperative because it definitely at the forefront of our culture. We could easily say to Jesus, we are asking, and we are seeking, and we are knocking. We have sought and we are exhausted …

Matthew 7:1-11 The Right Side up Life / Matthew 7:1–11 We measure things all the time. In the same way we love measuring height, we love to measure worth. We love to assess the value of something or someone else based on how we measure. We all have versions of what is right, what is wrong, w …

Matthew 6:25-34 The Right Side up Life / Matthew 6:25–34 Introduction That, in fact, is the problem with anxiety. It starts and ends with itself. We want to talk about it, understand it, probe it, but ultimately we want some rest from it. › What I do want you to hear me say today is that …

Matthew 6:19-24 The Right Side up Life / Matthew 6:19–24 Intro › So the thing that you have to discern is › What or who are your tour guides? › And are they reliable? Define what you love Matthew 6:19 ESV “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where …

Matthew 6:16-18 The Right Side up Life Because Christ is telling us that we don’t have to trust the reward of the immediate. But we can trust the voice of the Father. That we don’t have to trust the applause of the crowd, because the reward of the Father is better. › And that we don’t have to …

Matthew 6:1-4 The Right Side up Life / Matthew 6:1–4 This morning we see a passage where we are called to “practice our righteousness” and in this case, giving to the poor. But it is not just that we do it, it is how we do it. That we are not called to announce what we are doing to the world …

Matt 5:43-48 The Right Side up Life / Matthew 5:43–48 Matthew six passage on loving your enemies is one of my favorite in the sermon on the mountain. One because it is incredibly challenging. But that too is what makes it beautiful. It is the particularity of this passage that marks Christianity ap …

Matthew 5:31-32 The Right Side up Life / Matthew 5:31–32 Introduction We have to remember that some things are still incredibly important. And the church has to go back to remembering what it is that we find most important. That is the work of the sermon on the mount. It shows us what lea …

Matthew 5:27-30 The Right Side up Life / Matthew 5:27–32 Jesus is getting specific here because while this may be one part of human life and flourishing it is an important part. It may not be all of human life but it is an important one. And it is necessary to get some areas correct in order …

Anger The Right Side up Life / Matthew 5:21–27 Intro Jesus words to us int The Sotm forced you to ask questions and causes you to face our own issues. No one else will ask you to deal with your internal conversations. Jesus will If you call yourself a Christian this morning, you cannot …

Matt 5:13-16. Salt and Light The Right Side up Life / Matthew 5:13–16 Introduction Up until this point we can say Jesus is talking about someone else, even something else. Up until this point it is a helpful story Salt: Drawn into His Promises Matthew 5:13 ESV “You are the salt of the earth, but i …

Beatitudes pt 3 The Right Side up Life / Matthew 5:9–11 Conflict is normal. The way out is what is abnormal We are called to be peacemakers. Which means, with all the effort that we have, we are called to make peace with others. Colossians 1:21–22 ESV And you, who once were alienated and ho …

Beatitudes pt 2 The Right Side up Life / Matthew 5:6–8 Luke 4:18–19 ESV “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are o …

Beatitudes pt 1 The Right Side up Life / Matthew 5:1–5 Jesus is going to show us how the most difficult places are the places where the Kingdom of God thrives. Matthew 5:3–5 ESV “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they sha …
Sermon On The Mount intro The Right Side up Life Introduction to series But by far, the best way to understand life is to have someone personally guide us through it. there’s not a single person in the world who has not struggled in how to live in that intersection. Of how to live well. Wh …

1 John 3 Letters of John When we become disoriented, we often ask two questions: What did I do to get here? What do I need to do to move on from here? So If you have ever been disoriented, or are running from pant leg to pant let, trying to find something familiar, then looking at this passag …

1 John 2 Letters of John We are formed by everything that God has given and are called to walk fully in that grace But sometimes we forget what grace looks like and how to walk. I’m sure you have heard the phrase, “practice makes perfect.” While that is not entirely true. It’s not that practi …

1 John 1 Letters of John / 1 John 1 The writer of this letter, John is connecting everything that he is going to tell us with one single idea: God has entered the world and we have been able to comprehend him. Whenever people practice a theology of just in case they are looking to that thing …

Easter Sunday 24 Luke 24:13–35 The first Easter morning started much more bewildering and confusing than we let on. It was much slower, quieter, confusing kind of experience Luke 24:15 ESV While they were talking and discussing together, Jesus himself drew near and went with them. One, they b …

Learning objectives for Mere Christianity What: To help understand basic tenets of Christianity, to help communicate basic understanding of Christianity, and to expose others to great and historic Christian authors. What for: To be able to communicate what Christianity is about To be able to dial …

Palm Sunday Mark 11:1–11 Intro Colossians 1:17 ESV And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. Christ is Victorious through Every Broken thing Because He holds all things together Mark 11:9–10 ESV And those who went before and those who followed were shouting, “Hosanna! …

A Good Church prays A Good Church Introduction To say that a Good church prays would be like to say, a good person talks. Of course, we would say, a good person talks. That is part of what it means to be a person. Exactly. What does it mean to be a church? That we are in constant communicatio …

A Good Church Suffers A Good Church A Good Church Suffers. What makes the difference between good and not good is how suffering is handled and who is handling it. good church doesn’t hide from suffering, but embraces it, for God’s glory, for His ability to handle it, and for the need to suppo …

A Good Church is Generous A Good Church / 2 Corinthians 9:6–15 I think everyone wants to contribute. One of the normative desires of people is that they want to be part of something and want to offer a meaningful contribution to it. That if I show up to an event or help with something, that t …

A Good Church serves and supports A Good Church offers everything it is already assured about through serving › By the end of the message I hope you will see all that we have been assured about as Christians. And then knowing just how much we have, the command is not to keep it but to offer it. …

A Good Church Loves A Good Church / Titus 3:1–9 Love is the space created for relational flourishing. It is the experience that invited people in. That invites to sit down and connect. It is a core of Christian living. Last week we looked at connected and Christ said the Father would car …

Reading for the Love of God by Jessica Hooten Wilson What will we be doing? (The content) Reading as spiritual discipline. Why reading helps us to love God Reading as cultural frame. Why reading helps us to understand our culture Examples of Christian devotion through Reading as given in …

A Good Church Connects and Grows A Good Church / John 15:1–17 We make choices based on what we are connected and closest to. We will entirely change our lives based on where we are and what we are connected to. Connecting is finding your “no matter whats” In life. That no matter wha …

A Good Church Welcomes and Supports A Good Church / Luke 10:25–37 Luke 10:25–29 ESV And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test, saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” He said to him, “What is written in the Law? How do you read it?” And he answered, “You shall …

A Good Church practices Robust Faith A Good Church / Hebrews 11 When we are on a rickety foundation, we try to find balance. When we are in a difficult conversation, we try to argue back to find something reliable. We all want something reliable in our lives. And it is easy to find p …

A Good Church Glorifies Christ A Good Church / John 9 Glory is when God’s works are displayed in our walk People talk about experiences like this, that overwhelm them, in terms of the sublime or even surreal. But Sometimes if they are really serious they will use the word glorious. Glory is …
John 3:22–30 Introduction Christ is more than enough because He has offered more than we ever could to us Competition John 3:25–26 ESV Now a discussion arose between some of John’s disciples and a Jew over purification. And they came to John and said to him, “Rabbi, he who was with you across the Jo …

Revelation 21:1-8 Hope after Hope Before Hope / Revelation 21 Advent is the promise that God has come to free His people. Revelation shows Him keeping it. We have faith in the promise offered and the promise kept. Luke 2:8–17 ESV And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, …

Revelation18 Hope after Hope Before Hope / Revelation 18 We are offered grace for new lives that withstand eternity itself. Revelation 18 is all about collapse. It is about life outside of Christ. › It is life that is attempting to exist outside of God › And then succeeds in separating itse …

Revelation 17 Hope after Hope Before Hope / Revelation 17 We are looking for something that can actually do anything about these dark places in the world and in our lives. We have seen a lot of darkness and a lot of chaos in the book of Revelation. The next two chapters are like walking aroun …

Revelation 16 Hope after Hope Before Hope / Revelation 16 Our text today will show us that everything will eventually break. While this points to the end of all things, we can still ask the question about who we look to when things break. Jacques Ellul writes that a world without God is a wor …

Revelation 14-15 Hope after Hope Before Hope / Revelation 14–15 Songs of redemption are the witness of the church because we hold on until we see Christ in His glory. What Christ shows us in songs in Chaos Revelation 14:1–5 ESV Then I looked, and behold, on Mount Zion stood the Lamb, a …
Revelation 12-13: A great battle Hope after Hope Before Hope / Revelation 12–13 Chapters 12 and 13 are central to the book of Revelation • There are a number of characters that are battling it out. Here is the list • A dragon=satan directly opposing the church (the leviathan) • A woman …
Revelation 6-8 Hope after Hope Before Hope / Revelation 6–8 Before The seven seals, a mess of our own making These are the introduction of judgments on the earth. Judgement for sin and rebellion and wickedness and power. This is a reply in regard to justice. – Revelation take the desir …
Revelation 5: the Lamb Hope after Hope Before Hope / Revelation 5 Intro: Revelation 4 and 5 Show us the reality of God to prepare us for the reality of His power and judgment. • Revelation 4 is a picture into the throne room • Revelation 5 is a picture of the power and particularity of …
Revelation 4 :The throne Hope after Hope Before Hope / Revelation 3 Revelation 4:1 ESV After this I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven! And the first voice, which I had heard speaking to me like a trumpet, said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place af …
Revelation 2: Letters to the church Hope after Hope Before Hope / Revelation 2 The One who walks among the seven golden lampstands: Christ is always for the church • We are given this image of Christ walking amongst the lampstands. These are the churches. We immediately see that Christ …
Revelation1: What is Revelation All About? Hope after Hope Before Hope / Revelation 1 Intro • We are entering into strange territory for the next few months. It will likely be exciting, a little shocking, fearful, worshipful. It will stretch and hopefully break any faith in anything le …
Rest Entangled / Matthew 11:28–30 Jesus calls us to rest from our toil, and to find our life and meaning in Him. • We have been talking about all of these heavy things. These things we have been carrying, holding onto. Trying to balance We are all in need of balance. Not about balancin …
Desire Entangled Let’s begin by talking about desire: Desire is the common denominator in Humanity. We all share in it. Proverbs 19:2 ESV Desire without knowledge is not good, and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way. Romans 1:19–20 ESV For what can be known about God is pl …
Given Not Taken Entangled A prayer from St. Augustine “Because your mercy is better than many a life I confess that my life is no more than anxious distraction; but in my Lord, the Son of Man, your right hand upholds me. He stands as mediator between you, the one God, and us, the many, who are p …
Created Not Creator Entangled / Genesis 1 Our Search for Meaning comes from the reality that We are Created in the Image of God. if we are going to talk about human sexuality then we need to talk about the created order because where we believe we come from matters how we view one another if …
perseverance and patience 125 Year Celebration / Perseverance / Hebrews 12:1–4 • To pursue the best thing we can think of for as long as possible. • In order to do that we need to endure. We need to be able to do that thing or pursue that idea for awhile because nothing that is really worth doing …
Notes will be available Sat the 22
Being Good Anscestors 125 Year Celebration / 2 Timothy 1–2 • This morning I want to look at the Apostle Paul’s greeting to Timothy and the things that he brings up. He references three ideas. Our faith must be recieved individually but be shown generationally. It is much larger and greater th …
Romans 16 Faith: Approaching the NT Book of Romans / Romans 16 What really matters We will look at our end, our strategy, and our ultimate win. What is our Our end? Romans 16:25–27 ESV Now to him who is able to strengthen you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according …
Romans 14-15 Faith: Approaching the NT Book of Romans Christ adapted to us in the cross. He dealt with our differences in His Death and Resurrection. As Christians we are obligated toward each other as a model of Christ to us. Weak and Strong: Stop Quarreling Over Opinions Romans 14:1 ESV As …
Romans 13 Faith: Approaching the NT Book of Romans The Church finds triumph past our limited ends in the unlimited sovereignty of God. Let’s talk for a moment about the whole scope of the book of Romans. It matters becuase as a reminder, the book is really a letter, read to a church in ancie …
Romans 10 Faith: Approaching the NT Book of Romans / Romans 10 As we enter into Romans 10 we get a sort of encapsulation of the Gospel. We see that Christ is near. Our role is to confess that reality through our belief in that reality. Jesus is present where we end and closer than our own wor …
Romans 9 Faith: Approaching the NT Book of Romans / Romans 9 Chapter nine shows us the power and divine will of God. That He is sovereign. And in that, because He is the creator, sustainer and, redeemer of all creation, He calls us to submit to that power. God is much bigger than we could eve …
Romans 8 Faith: Approaching the NT Book of Romans / Romans 8 We are in Romans 8 this morning. It is an incredible shift in the tone and theology of the letter that Paul is writing. Up until this point we have seen Paul take us through the empty stretch of humanity and the promise of God to me …
Easter 2023 Matthew 28:1–10 • We meet two Marys at the tomb. Now we know the end of the story but imagine with us for a moment that we are walking with Mary Magdelene and the other Mary. • When they show up on that Sunday they go to prepare JEsus Body for death. THey didn’t go to check on the …
Palm Sunday 2023 Luke 10:28–40 • But Jesus wasn’t entering in that frame. His entrance was holy and solemn. He was proclaiming salvation but not through the way the crowds did. We see for a moment that the groups were lined up but then realize quickly they were not. Look beyond the crowds to …
Romans 7 John Faith: Approaching the NT Book of Romans / Romans 7 New Life is found at the intersection of everything we can’t complete ourselves with everything that Christ has already made complete. • Chapter 7 seems to end a cycle of arguments that are made in the beginning chapters of Rom …
Romans 6 Faith: Approaching the NT Book of Romans / Romans 6 We are Called to Experience New Life In Christ Romans 6:22 ESV But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life. • To say that we …
Romans 5 Faith: Approaching the NT Book of Romans Permacrisis: An extended period of instability and insecurity, especially one resulting from a series of catastrophic events. • And to be fair, the peace of God likely won’t rid the world of every crisis. It likely won’t remove every argument. …
Romans 4 Faith is not about what we do but about who we trust • So this morning we are looking at Abraham and Paul is continually removing the supports that humanity has tried to use to find any sense of peace or salvation from anything other than God. As my kids would say yoinks it out. We h …
Romans 1 and 2 Faith: Approaching the NT Book of Romans / Romans 1–2 • We will see a bold introduction by Paul who describes the world where God has revealed Himself and humanity has ignored Him. • What we will see is that the book of Romans starts with a big picture view and then slowly work …
Next: We are Scattered The Church is a Noun, Verb and Adjective / Matthew 28:16–20 We practice our value of Next when we are able to say yes to God. So we want to be clear about who it is we are following into Next. We are paying attention and listening to God for what He has for us. • …
Serve: We Embrace The Church is a Noun, Verb and Adjective / John 13:1–20 We serve because we know what God is like. We serve to show what God is like. • We see an incredible definition of what it means to serve in the Gospel of John. We see Jesus, God incarnate, serve in the most humb …
Connect: We are offered The Church is a Noun, Verb and Adjective / Colossians 3:12–17 As we let God into our lives, we offer our lives back to God. What God gives is how we live. • This Sunday we are looking at the idea of Connect. That the church remains connected to God and one another. We …
Welcome: We are gathered The Church is a Noun, Verb and Adjective / Romans 12:9–21 • That is the nature of living in the world. We don’t get picked for teams, we feel left out of conversations or plans. We feel like we don’t belong. • The good news is Christ has come for those who have …
Defining the Church The Church is a Noun, Verb and Adjective / Acts 2:42–47 The church exists to live the incredible hope and share the incredible hope found in Christ. We make that hope visible and possible. What you will hear through this series is not as much of an “I” or “you” but a “we” …
Mary Mother of God Advent is the anticipation of God’s Promise becoming Provision We get lulled into a false sense of security. numbed to sleep by momentary peace. • But The temptation of the Christmas season in our culture is to be lulled to sleep. Everything is tender and mild, everything i …
Jesus the light of Advent Holy Family:Christmas 22 / Colossians 1:15–22 Sermon Intro Advent is a specific time in the church calendar. It is a celebration of the arrival of Christ, along with that arrival is the confession that the world is in darkness and we need something to enter in. The w …
Triumphal entry Christianity in the Public Square / Matthew 21:1–11 The church is called to triumph in Christ who Gives all and not the World who triumphs in taking all • A triumphal entry is a Roman idea. The Roman Triumph • Over Romes reign of about 1000 years there were times when they wou …
Give What to Who? Christianity in the Public Square / Matthew 22:15–22 We constantly have to figure out who gets what while giving Jesus everything • I wanted to take the next couple weeks and talk through what it means for Christ followers to live publicly. Publicly regarding our speech and …
Sanctification Teaching on Sanctification for LOCC Goal for today – Clarify Theological understanding of sanctification – Structure out necessary parts of sanctification – help to Communicate sanctification to others. – Apply understanding of sanctification to our lives. Defining Sanctificat …
Glory of God Filling Temple Wandering: book of Exodus / Exodus 40:34–38 The Lord communicates and completes His promises • This morning we are going to track the gracious event of God communicating what He is going to do and then fulfilling those promises. • It’s helpful to talk about this be …
God’s Glory The church is to be known by the peculiar and particular presence of God. Exodus 33:15–17 ESV And he said to him, “If your presence will not go with me, do not bring us up from here. For how shall it be known that I have found favor in your sight, I and your people? Is it not in y …
Golden Calf Our solutions to deal with our deepest desires always point to something necessary but disappoint at the same time. Christ offers a real solution. This is a well worn story in the book of Exodus. We need to talk through what is going on and then talk through the impl …
Tabernacle pt 2 The tabernacle reminds us that there is more to life than what is right in front of us. • everything is an invitation to understand our lives in relation to God “what comes into our mind when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” • The tabernacle becomes a way, …
Tabernacle • Great sermon on the tabernacle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHP9dwOZK9c • Good article on the tabernacle: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/justin-taylor/what-does-the-tabernacle-symbolize/ This is a helpful video series from RightNow media on the tabernacle: God in Wi …
God takes the blame for the blame we couldn’t take ourselves. • What we find in the OT is a model for life that Jesus satisfies in the NT. There are ancient rules and laws that seem to not make sense to us but can really help us to understand Jesus. Exodus 24:6–8 ESV And Moses took half of the blood …
Christ can pay the deficit and offer peace that lasts • And what we find in relationships, in our interactions is that there is always a cost. • Because our lives are marked in fierce rivalry and competition between others for what is not ours. • There is always a cost in our relationships because t …
10 Commandments Wandering: book of Exodus / Exodus 19–20 The Ten Commandments show us life is found in a decentered center, where God is in the middle and not us. • In this scenario we see that the Israelites are approaching mt Sinai and they, through Moses, encounter God. Up until this point …
Jethro Bearing Burdens is an act of Grace when things are too heavy. Exodus 18:13–16 ESV The next day Moses sat to judge the people, and the people stood around Moses from morning till evening. When Moses’ father-in-law saw all that he was doing for the people, he said, “What is this that you are do …
Bread and Water Wandering: book of Exodus / Exodus 16–17 God’s grace is available event when we can’t pay attention to anything else. There is grace in our grumbling. There is a cost to not paying attention When we aren’t paying attention we only see what we don’t have instead of what’ …
Wandering: book of Exodus / Exodus 13:17–22 God has established Himself in our midst so we don’t have to look around, we just have to look to Him. Sometimes we need more than guesswork and pointing to get to where we need to be. Sometimes we need someone who can help us navigate the situation …
Plagues Exodus 9:13–17 God works to free us from whatever obstructs us • We harden our hearts when we say that you have come this far, you can come no further. That there is nothing that will get past my feelings and thoughts about this issue. When we obstruct we work to keep everythin …
Redemption Wandering: book of Exodus / Exodus 4–6 God is not waiting for us to get everything right to move, He is moving to make everything right. • Have you ever been disappointed with plans that you spent weeks months or years on and in the completion of those plans things did not go the w …
Burning Bush exodus is important because the people of God are being formed and shaped by the God of the people first impressions • Our story picks up as Moses is tending sheep in the desert and comes upon a bush that is burning but not being consumed • And God is introducing Himself to Moses …
Moses Wandering: book of Exodus / Exodus 1–2 Introduction to Series Instead of looking for what we need to do, we need to look to who has come to us We often try to look anywhere we can for a meaningful life • IN ch 2 of Exodus Moses is seeking without finding an identity. By the time we get …
Armor of God Ephesians 6:10–23 When you can’t walk with Christ, stand in Him • All of the book of Ephesians is about a Cosmic Battle. Paul uses this talk about cosmic powers in Ephesians 2 and then brings it back here in ch 6. The notion is that there are all sorts of spiritual powers in the …
Father’s day John Mark 5:19–43 Jairus is following Christ at the pace of waiting. How do you do when you have to wait.? patience is the invitation to allow Christ to work in wherever it is you are waiting How are we patient when everything is urgent? Mark 5:22–24 ESV Then came one of the rule …
Relationships Ephesians 5:15–21 • God calls us to submit to Him, to yield willingly our lives to Him. And it is in Christ that we learn how to flourish in relationships with others. Our position before God defines our submission before others What is submission? • To submit means to ma …
New Life: Ephesians 4:17–32 No relationship survives on Old Self Ways so we need Christ to thrive in New Self ways. • If there is no greater option than Jesus, then our lives can reflect that reality. When we live old self ways we create small and callous worlds to live in Ephesians 4:17–19 E …
1) What can we learn from Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians to help us in our prayer life? 2) Are there certain physical postures that help you in your prayer life? (v.14) 3)Paul faced many trials ( see 2 Cor.11`:23-33) as will we. Where does our strength come from? (see Zech.4:6) 4) What does it mean …
Barrier John Ephesians / Ephesians 2:11–22 God has brought us near to Him and others, removing anything else in the way. • Because we are deeply loved by God, He has destroyed everything that gets between us and Him and us and others. so that’s what we want to be looking at today. How do we s …
Because we will be talking about “walking” today, here is a quick video on “walking” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCLp7zodUiI Ephesians ch 2 John Ephesians 2:4–10 The Bible talks about our walk as a progression of the Christian life. That as we walk, we grow as believers, we know …
Ephesians 1 Ephesians / Ephesians 1:15–23 • Paul invites us to see the world and Christ as they truly are through the lens of prayer. • Paul is showing us what things are really like. • We easily lope through life and miss the power and victory that Christ brings. That He still offers hope to …
Easter John 20:24–29 Intro Talk about a time when your life felt disrupted Thomas is the voice in the middle of the chaos monkey. He voices his doubt bringing attention to what is most important. He is very interested in belief. He even wants to believe. But he cannot until He puts his hands in th …
Palm Sunday • There is hardly a clearer place in the Scriptures where we get an understanding of who Jesus truly is. • Christ Communicates what is happening. He gives us a picture of what victory looks like in the way that He brings it. • His arrival communicates the reality of what is happen …
All In Ephesians / Ephesians 1:1–14 Series Intro • Ephesians is effusive. As Paul begins talking about Christ in the opening verses, he can’t contain himself. We will look at that today. He cannot contain himself. • We find in Christ whenever we try to value Christ He is always above. He is always m …
Vision Where We Are / 2 Corinthians 5:11–21 Give all for all to find and follow JEsus. • The good news finding hope is easy. Having enough hope is not a problem. We can’t run out of it. And it turns out that the best way to do that is by living out a faithful life in Christ enough so that you …
Culture Part Two John Where We Are / Acts 17:16–34 What is Paul saying about Christ? • Where do you see the culture searching frantically for God? Where does it show up? • How do you sometimes search for God in lesser things in your lives? Hope itself is never far knowing that Christ walks ne …
Culture Where We’re Going / Acts 17:16–23 • Using one word answers, how would you define the culture we live in? Everything we are searching for is found in Christ Jesus. Everyone is searching for meaning English Standard Version Chapter 17 16 Now while Paul was waiting for them at Athens, hi …
History of the Alliance AB Simpson’s Fourfold Gospel: https://www.amazon.com/Fourfold-Gospel-B-Simpson-ebook/dp/B00J7X9PBQ/ref=sr_1_7?crid=3SN0V64Q4MS4F&keywords=fourfold+gospel&qid=1644007366&sprefix=fourfold+gospel+%2Caps%2C67&sr=8-7 The short video on the CMA we will watch …
This Sunday I will be continuing in the Language of Prayer series. We will look at Psalm 13 as David cried out to God out of his anguish and sorrow-wondering when God would act in his life. He concluded this Psalm with a strong affirmation of trust in God's steadfast love.
Rejoice John Language of Prayer / Psalm 103 Prayer is the experience of all that God is and all that God does. • we need this because we forget • Our prayer language needs to include all that God is and all that God does. • in your groups answer how the way you pray reflects on what you belie …
Brokenness and Mercy Language of Prayer / Psalm 51 Background to psalm • David is caught committing adultery and murder • He is confronted by a prophet Nathaniel and is called out • This psalm is the response to David’s sin and repentance. This morning we will find that our brokenness is only …
Majesty Language of Prayer / Psalm 8 Psalm 8 (ESV) To the choirmaster: according to The Gittith. A Psalm of David. O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. Out of the mouth of babies and infants, you have established strength bec …
Message 3: Joy John Family Christmas / Luke 1:39–56 Joy is the experience of the fullness of God • People rejoice all the time. And rejoicing often always has a reason. When we are full of joy it is rarely for joy’s sake. Our joy is often aimed at something. We are joyful for a reason. • Mayb …
Message 2: Peace John Family Christmas / Luke 2:8–15 peace shows up in imperfect situations Peace Introduced Peace in the Scriptures English Standard Version (Ephesians 1:2) 2 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Peace is a product of being in relationship wit …

November 28 Matthew 1:1-17 ESV 1 The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. 2 Abraham was the father of Isaac, and Isaac the father of Jacob, and Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers, 3 and Judah the father of Perez and Zerah by Tamar, and Perez the father …